
Country Private Sector Diagnostic: Creating Markets In Bangladesh – Unleashing the Private Sector to Sustain Development Success

Thomas Farole, Ali Zafar, Iuliia Mironova and Liane Asta Lohde
#Eastern/Non-EU Europe and Central Asia

This Country Private Sector Diagnostic (CPSD) assesses opportunities and requirements for expanding the private sector’s contribution to sustainable economic growth in Bangladesh. It evaluates the chief constraints to realizing private sector potential and identifies strategic entry points for private investment. The CPSD will be used to craft the IFC Country Strategy and the World Bank Group’s new Country Partnership Framework with the government of Bangladesh, paving the way for joint programming to create markets and unlock private sector potential. This executive summary starts by briefly setting out the development context, highlighting opportunities for the future, and discussing the main constraints hindering the private sector from addressing Bangladesh’s development challenges and then sets out recommendations for reform priorities.

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Thomas Farole

World Bank

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